The Collaboration is governed by the Collaboration Board and the Collaboration Council and run on a daily basis by the Bureau.
Collaboration Board is the body gathering all members, a place to exchange information, discuss and interact with all your fellow counterparts. As a member you can shape the direction of the Collaboration by exercising your voting rights (one vote per member) and providing your valuable insights.
Collaboration Council is a smaller body consisting of non-commercial members (there will be up to one member in the Council for every five members of the Collaboration). The mission of the Collaboration Council is to ensure that the WR Technology remains vendor neutral and equally benefits all members and users of the WR Technology. CERN has always one representative in the Council.
Specialist in control and timing at CERN; co-author of the White Rabbit extension to PTP (IEEE1588-2008) and IEEE1588-2019; chair of the New Features Committee in the P1588 Working Group.